Dokonči otázku: What was .....
A: happen?
B: hapenning?
C: happening?
D: hapening?
Vyber správnu možnosť: John and Mary ....
A: were watch TV.
B: were looking TV.
C: were watching TV.
D: was looking TV.
Ktorá možnosť nie je správna kolokácia: brush ...
A: your tea
B: your boots
C: your hair
D: your shoes
Ktorá veta neplatí o obrázku: Children were doing different activities at the playground yesterday at 5 pm.
A: Four children were sitting on swings. /a swing = hojdačka/
B: A boy was going down the slide. / a slide = šmýkala/
C: A girl was riding a scooter.
D: A blonde hair girl was cycling.
Vyber nesprávne slovné spojenie:
A: take the bus
B: put on your pyjamas
C: send an e-mail
D: get ready for TV
Prelož vetu: Nathan a Sam neboli na prechádzke so psom.
A: Nathan and Sam were taking the dog for a walk.
B: Nathan and Sam weren't taking the dog for a walk.
C: Nathan and Sam wasn't taking the dog for a walk.
D: Nathan and Sam weren't walking in the park.
Vyber správnu reakciu na otázku: What was Mrs Walker doing?
A: She was sitting at her computer.
B: He was sit at his computer.
C: She were sitting at her computer.
D: He was sitting at his computer.
Which isn't natural disaster?
A: a flood
B: a bank robbery
C: a forest fire
D: a hurricane
During the storm we saw lots of ________ .
A: lightning
B: avalanches
C: astronauts
D: explosions
I heard the ________ 10 kms away.
A: lightning
B: flood
C: explosion
D: tornado
When the dam burst there was a terrible ________ .
A: earthquake
B: floot
C: floor
D: flood
The ground shook and the buildings fell down during the _________ .
A: earthquake
B: earthqak
C: avalanche
D: fire
There were many ________ in the mountains last winter.
A: avelanches
B: avelenchi
C: avalanches
D: avalanche
Vytvor správnu otázku: James / take photographs
A: James was taking photographs.
B: Was James takeing photographs?
C: Was James taking photographs?
D: Were James taking photographs?
Minulý priebehový čas je ....
A: past pastinuous
B: past continuous
C: present continuous
D: past simple