Mám opuchnutý členok
A: I have a sore throat
B: My ankle is swollen.
C: My knee is sprained
D: My uncle is swollen.
opak slova diarrhoea
A: disdiarrhoea
B: constitition
C: obstipation
D: constipation
Obvodný lekár je vo svojej ambulancii
A: The GP is in his ambulance
B: The general practitioner is in his surgery
C: The GPS are in his ambulance
D: The surgeon is in his ambulance
bolesť zubov
A: dentist
B: teethache
C: toothache
D: My teeth is aching
silný kašeľ
A: heavy cough
B: I can´t stop coughing
C: strong cough
D: bad cough
A: floow
B: flew
C: flue
D: flu
A: one,two,three times
B: once,twice.,3times
C: one times.two times,three times
potrebujem PN-ku
A: I need a bill
B: I would like a prescription
C: I need a sick note
D: I want a sight note